
Getting & STAYING Organized Needs a System for Sucess

Being organized can make a huge difference in your daily life. It can save you time, reduce stress, and help you stay focused and productive. We compiled a few of our favorite tips for getting and staying organized:

1. Declutter and create clear space. Take some time to declutter and get rid of things you no longer need or use. This will help you see what you have and make it easier to get organized.

2. Create a system that works for you. Whether it's using a planner, creating to-do lists, or using a digital tool like Asana, find a system that works for you and stick with it.

3. Set aside specific times for tasks. Instead of trying to do everything at once, set aside specific times for different tasks. For example, you might dedicate the first hour of your day to checking emails and the second hour to tackling a big project.

4. Use storage solutions to stay organized. Whether it's bins, baskets, or shelves, having designated places for your things can help you stay organized and avoid clutter. Group Like with like.

5. Stay on top of maintenance. Regularly clean and maintain your space to keep it organized. This might involve setting aside time each week to tidy up or doing a deep clean once a month.

6. Don't be afraid to ask for help. If you're feeling overwhelmed, don't be afraid to ask for help from a friend or professional organizer. They can provide valuable insights and support to help you get and stay organized.

Being organized takes some effort and discipline, but the benefits are worth it. By implementing regular upkeep strategies and finding a system that works for you, you can create a space that is efficient, productive, and stress-free.

Once you have a system in place take 5 minutes out of every day to ensure you maintain it. This way you keep on top of things and are not faced with another project. Remember 5 min each day is all it takes to Maintain the order once your system is set.

Get Organized this Holiday Season!

This week is a busy time for many people. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, Boxing Day (or Week), New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day are all happening within days of each other, and these holidays usually involve parties, family meals, gift giving, family visits, and a whole host of seasonal activities. We’re here to offer some advice on how to stay organized during this busy time!

Keep a calendar

With all of the events and activities going on, it’s important to make sure you have everything written down, either on a physical calendar or in your phone. You can set reminders a couple days before the event so you know what is coming up, like Christmas dinner, and what you need to be doing before that event. If you’re having family over, this is also important so you can make sure the house is clean and the guest bedrooms are ready. This way, you can enjoy time with your family and not have to run around the day of.

Don’t try to do it all

Many people feel pressured to squeeze in every holiday-themed event or activity that they hear about or get invited to. This should not happen! The holidays are supposed to be a time to relax with friends and family, the keyword being relax. The holidays don’t have to be stressful unless you make them stressful. Sometimes, it’s best to say no to some people and arrange to meet them before or after the holidays in a time that works best for your schedule. December, especially the week before Christmas, should not be the time that everyone tries to get together. It’s okay to say no – it may be that your friends and family are going through the same thing!

Leave some time to relax

The holiday season is notorious for being stressful (see points one and two!) but it doesn’t have to be. Take some time for you to relax – whether it’s at home or with friends and family, as long as it doesn’t involve you feeling stressed or disorganized. Taking this time can help you get back on your feet and assess what needs to be done. It can be easy to forget what’s happening or what needs to be done during this week when you’re constantly moving from one event to the other. Once the week is over and the holidays are done, you’ll be left dealing with all of the other things you may have pushed aside to make room for these activities. Take the time for yourself to re-organize your coming days, relax, and give yourself a break!

Pack ahead of time

For people who are travelling over the holidays or visiting relatives, it’s a good idea to pack as much as you can before you have to travel. This seems like common sense, but it’s easy to put packing off during this time, especially if you’re travelling after Christmas. However, it will make your life easier and more organized if you get as much as you can packed before you have to leave, so that you can enjoy your other holiday events without having to leave early to pack or be rushed to pack the day of. Clothes, shoes, accessories, books, and other items that you don’t use day to day can be packed in your suitcase ahead of time. Toiletry items like toothbrushes and hair accessories can be packed in your travelling bag but left out for you to use. This way, it’s ready to go but still available for you to use before you leave. If you’re travelling by air, it might be a good idea to check-in to your flights online 24 hours in advance, and either print out your boarding tickets or save them on your hand-held device ahead of time.

Once you’re ready to return from your travelling, our Unpack to Organize after Summer Vacation post can help you stay organized before you even get home.


Enjoy the holiday season by staying organized and keeping track of what is happening. Cut down on your to-do list if necessary, and make sure you take time for yourself. If you’re travelling, get as much as you can done as early as you can. This week doesn’t have to be stressful if you don’t want it to be!

Take time to relax during the holidays!


Gift shopping. Wrapping presents. Baking cookies. Visiting with family and friends. Getting ready for parties. There is so much to do in December, and it can be easy to get exhausted and burned out before the holidays actually start! To make sure you’re in top form for the actual festivities, make sure to take some time for yourself to relax and step away from the all the holiday preparations. It doesn’t have to be an expensive or time-consuming activity, just something that can take your mind away from the work you still need to do! Below, we’ve outlined a few ideas on what you can do to relax:

1.     Try a guided meditation

Meditating can be a great way to clear your mind of any stressful thoughts. However, it can be difficult to stay focused on a meditation when there are many distractions around you. Try using a guided meditation to make sure you stay on track and keep focused on relaxation. There are many easy options to use – try searching online, on YouTube, or through a music streaming service like Spotify to find a meditation that works for you. Many options are available with differing time lengths and themes so you can find the best way to relax.

2.     Take a reading break

When there is so much activity going on, finding the time to read for enjoyment is difficult. However, reading can be a great way to escape the busy holiday season and take your mind away from the various tasks left on your to-do list. As important as it is to take a break and read, you don’t want it to become too much of a distraction. If you’re worried about losing track of time or getting too absorbed into your novel, try setting a timer to make sure you stay on time.

3.     Enjoy a soak in the tub

Relaxing in the bath or hot tub can be a great way to calm your mind and your body. Especially when the weather isn’t as nice outside, this can be a great way to press pause on your holiday activities. Light some candles, get a nice drink, and grab a book or play some soothing music and you can enjoy the perfect winter break!

4.     Exercise your body

Being active is always a great way to relieve stress. Whether it’s hopping on the treadmill for a bit, taking some time to do yoga, or even attending a drop-in fitness class, exercising is a great way to relax, get energized, and help work off all the holiday treats! When life gets busy and the weather isn’t as nice, it is common for people to lose motivation to keep up their fitness. Instead of letting your exercise time fall to the bottom of your to-do list, try and make the time to do a physical activity.

5.     Get some fresh air

The weather can be hit or miss in Calgary during the winter, but when the sun is shining and a chinook rolls in, it can be the perfect excuse to get outside and go for a brief stroll in the midst of all the holiday preparations. Fresh air can go a long way to improving your spirits and wellbeing, which is just what you need when you’re constantly going out or shopping or doing tasks around the house in the lead up to the holidays. You don’t have to enjoy your relaxation time alone - take a pet, friend or family member along to make the most of your break time.