
Simple tips on How to be Organized for a seamless move.

Preparing for a move can be overwhelming, but taking the time to organize and strategically pack your belongings can make the process much smoother and help you get live in ready quicker at the other end.

We have composed a few key strategies to you can do to prepare your belongings in anticipation for a quick set up at the other end in your new home.

Declutter: Go through your belongings and get rid of anything you don't need or use. This will not only make packing easier but will also help you save space and money when moving.

Great places to start are the dreaded storage room – Deal with the things that have been sitting in there never used or accessed for the past 10 years.


Start packing up that storage room of the items you actually use. Discard the items that are just collecting dust.


You may even have your grandmas old china sitting there. – If you are not using it gift it to someone who will use it or will appreciate it. Take photos of it to preserve the memory and lovingly let it go.



Make an inventory of your high value items: Take note of the items you plan to bring with you, including their condition, value, and any special instructions for packing. If you have TV boxes for your TVs, now is a good time to dig them out of storage for your move preparation.



Gather packing materials: You'll need boxes, tape, bubble wrap, packing paper, and labels. Make sure to get enough supplies to pack all your belongings. If you are working with a great mover they will help you with all your supplies.


Start packing early: If you have a large home with lots of belongings it can take quite some time to pack. Sort through everything and discard and donate accordingly.  Gather like with like and pack it. If you know you have crafting supplies in 4 locations now is the perfect time to gather them and pack them all together. Begin packing items you won't need before the move, such as off-season clothing, books, or decorations. Leave essential items for last.


Clearly label each box with the room it belongs in and its contents. This will make it easier to unpack and organize your belongings in your new home. Always remember where it is going to is more important than the room it came from. Sometimes you upsize or downsize and the clearer you can identify where things will live in the new home the easier it is on you.


Take care of valuable items: Wrap fragile or valuable items, such as electronics or artwork, carefully in bubble wrap or packing paper, and consider transporting them yourself instead of trusting them to the moving company.


 Always pack your own jewelry and transport it yourself.

High value art pieces, wine collections and other collectables we recommend hiring the right professional to move these items. It may be an art dealer who packs, moves, stores and hangs your precious pieces. Better to be extra safe than take chances on things becoming damaged.


Remember, preparing for a move takes time and effort, so it's important to start early and stay organized. Moving is also costly so eliminating what you are not using early can save you money and save you time on the unpack. Following these few tips, you can help make the process as stress-free as possible.

Welcome to your new home

Spring Moving - Lets GO!

Spring is the perfect time to move in Calgary, The market is jumping and house selection opens up. Moving can be a stressful and overwhelming experience, especially if you're not properly prepared. In this blog, we'll share some tips to help make your move as smooth and stress-free as possible.

Start Early: The earlier you start planning your move, the better. Start by looking at your contents. What you will be keeping and what you will be donating, trashing and gifting to family and friends. Contents, “YOUR STUFF” is the biggest stumbling block for people. Give youself ample time to prepare for the big day and avoid any last-minute stress.

Hire a Professional Organizer: If you're feeling overwhelmed with the thought of getting organized, decluttering, packing and organizing your entire home hire a organizer that specialized in move management. They can help you declutter, pack, unpack and plan your move efficiently, saving you time and stress. They are experts in logistics planning and have a multiple resources at their finger tips.

Donate and Plan Unwanted Items Early: If you have items in your home that you no longer need or want, start getting rid of them early. You can donate them to a local charity or sell them at a garage or estate sale. This will help lighten your load and make your move easier. Organizers have great resources to help you plan the best method that fits your needs.

if you are packing yourself, make sure to label each box with its contents and the room it belongs in. This will make unpacking much easier and help you keep track of your belongings. Coloured tape helps identify boxes from across the room. Movers can easily follow the colours without having to read the contents. This can help speed up placement of your boxes on move day.

Start your research early. moving and changing cable, telephone, address changes all take time. Don’t wait for the last minute. Professional Organizers have their lists of trusted trades to help you narrow down your top choice for movers, carpet cleaners, cleaning companies, handyman services, art movers and hangers and audio visual hook ups and install.

Move with a plan and start early is the best advice we can provide.

Calm Order are experts in move management including packing, unpacking and getting ready to sell.