
Decluttering Goals: The Toy Room


Start the New Year by setting a goal to get your home organized and clutter-free. While this may seem like a monumental task, it can be achieved by breaking down your goal by focusing on one room at a time. Choosing the first room to start with can also be a complicated decision – why not start with one of the rooms that always collects clutter: the toy room!

The first step is to gather all the toys in (and out) of the toy room. Go through everything and immediately take out anything that is broken. Decide if it can be fixed (does it just need new batteries?) or if it needs to be recycled or discarded. Anything that is old or unused but still in good shape can be set aside and donated when it is possible to do so.

Make sure there is enough storage space for what toys remain. Do more bins or shelves need to be purchased to make sure everything has a home? Using open shelving with see-through or clear bins and baskets means toys are easier to find during play time to avoid the need to empty out the entire toy chest to access one item. Try to use storage that is also easy for your children to grab and open – something lower to the ground and with drawers or bins that aren’t too heavy if they need to be moved.

Larger items like playhouses and sets can be harder to store, but that doesn’t mean they can’t have a designated spot in the room or closet where they can be placed after they are used.

However, it is important to keep the number of toys you have manageable. While some extra storage may be needed to get everything organized, you don’t want to keep accumulating more and more toys and taking up more and more space.

Set a goal to regularly go through the toys and organize the room with your family to make sure the space stays manageable. This shouldn’t be a job just for one person. Everyone should be involved in the activity – especially the children! Make cleaning up after play time a new routine now so it continues throughout the rest of the year.

All toys should always go back to their designated spot after they are done being used. By making clean-up time a routine, you are already doing a lot to keep the space organized and maintained long-term.

Focusing on small and achievable goals not only makes you more successful but creates consistency. If we decide to accomplish something that is over-the-top and unrealistic, it becomes more difficult to maintain in the long run and likely won’t be successful. If an issue occurs and we fall off the plan, a smaller goal is easier to pick up again and keep going.

Persistence and consistency are key, because anything unattainable is difficult to pick up again. Realistic goals, like getting the toy room organized instead of the entire house, is a goal that you can easily achieve.

Lending a Helping Hand

Helping others - Canva.png

A few months ago, Calm Order received a call from MKL Design Studios – one of their clients was in the middle of moving into a new home when a member of their family had a health emergency.

The clients were in the middle of two homes, with some of their belongings already in their new home, but the majority of their items still in their current home. Moving became a low priority in the midst of visiting the hospital and caring for their loved one.

When Calm Order received the news, Karen and her team jumped at the chance of giving a helping hand. Within a couple of hours of getting the call, Calm Order had assembled a team of organizers and movers, all willing to donate their time for free to help out the family. They also booked a time to start the moving and unpacking process to take place in the next couple of days and got to work with the preparations needed. This included doing a quick survey of the current and new home to develop a plan of action. In this time, Calm Order was also able to connect with the client to get a full picture of their move, lifestyle, and new home to develop the best organization plan for unpacking in their new home.

On the day of the move, the team started working at 9:00 a.m. including the owner of MKL Design Studios, her daughters, and a team from Get A Move On, which donated all the boxes and packing materials the team used throughout the move. Over 18 people in total came to help – and as Karen described, it was a true sense of the community coming together to help a fellow neighbour in their time of need.

The first step was to clear out the larger items that didn’t require packing, like larger furniture and appliances. The moving team got started on loading those items up and taking them to the new house, while the organizing team started to pack boxes with smaller household items. The first rooms the team focused on were the kitchen and the bedrooms, as these homes require the most time to unpack and organize. They’re also the most used and needed to be ready for the homeowners to use at the end of the day.

From here, part of the organizing team moved on to the new house to focus on unpacking while the rest of the team continued to pack up the rest of the house and the garage. In a matter of hours, the small but determined team had everything in the former house packed, moved, and unpacked to an organized state in the new house. The client was able to spend the morning and afternoon visiting their family member at the hospital and return to a finished house at the end of the day.

For everyone involved in the project, it was a pleasure to be able to help a fellow community member out. Moving can be a stressful process at the best of times but is the last thing on anyone’s mind when an emergency occurs. Calm Order and the rest of the team were happy to be able to help this individual and their family get unpacked in a new and organized home!

10 Activities to Do at Home


There are many activities that can be done from the comfort of your own home. With everyone still encouraged to stay at home as much as possible, there’s no better time to pick-up a new hobby or activity.



Getting your home organized is a process that can’t be done overnight. There’s no better time to dedicate yourself and your family to going through the organization process, whether it is one room or the entire house. Need some help getting started? Calm Order is offering virtual organizing services! Learn more here.


Learn a new language

Take some time to polish up your second language skills or learn a new one! There are different online classes or apps available for learning new languages, some of which are free or cost-effective (like these virtual courses). Practice your new skill while you’re at home or with family and friends over video call.


Host a tournament

It could be a board game tournament or outdoor sporting tournament, but if you’re at home with your family turn a one-time game night into a multi-day event! Pick a game that everyone can play and be sure to establish rules for the tournament before you begin to avoid any potential issues. Once you’re done, you can pick up a new game and start again.


Start a garden

With warmer weather on the way, now is the time to make a plan for an outdoor garden. If you’re new to gardening, take the time to do research on what plants and flowers would work best for your space, whether you have a large backyard garden or small patio garden.


Tackle a new puzzle or board game

Trying to figure out a new board game or complete a large puzzle can be a length endeavour, but there’s no better time to do it! Set aside a night on your own or with your family to read instructions and learn a new game or put together a difficult puzzle.


Get creative with arts and crafts

There are many easy crafts that can be completed with items found in your home. If you’re looking for inspiration, try searching tutorials for how to knit a new scarf or make your own interior decoration. If you do need supplies, try finding a local store that offers home delivery or curbside pick-up.


Clean your outdoor spaces

Make sure your backyard and patio are ready for the summer! Get outside and clear out any old leaves, grass and other foliage. Dust off patio furniture and pull out lawn decorations so you can have a clean and relaxing space outside.


Watch a new show

Review your to-watch show list and find a new series to start watching. If you don’t want to watch alone, consider hosting virtual show nights with family and friends and watching them together over a chat or video call.

Read a new series

A visit to the bookstore or library may not be possible but finding a new series to read isn’t! Browse through your local library’s digital collection and download a new eBook to read, or a buy a book online through your eReader. You can even start a virtual book club with friends and read a new book together!


Complete a home DIY project

There is always something to do around the house, so why not try tackling it on your own? Some projects require the work of professionals, but small projects like painting a room or putting together a new shelving unit for the living room are easier tasks that can be done on your own.