Concierge Services

Why you Need a Professional Organizer

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Are you thinking of Hiring a professional organizer? You may feel like you need one in  disaster-only situation, but many people -- from busy professionals to the busy overwhelmed stay-at-home parents find it worthwhile and beneficial to their home and state of mind to call in the support. Professional organizers can help around the home in loads of ways. They can:


  • Tackle the over stuffed pantry, get rid of old outdated items you never have time to get to look at.
  • Dive into a closet packed to the brim with questionable clothing ensembles and an collection of shoes some you wear and some you didn't even know you had, restocking it in a way that makes sense.
  • Address a playroom scattered with kids toys and games that never seem to find the appropriate home. 
  • Assist with paperwork pileups scattered across desks, whether that's a heap of unsorted bills,  tax forms or complicated filing systems.
  • Assisting you implement an electronic file system or help you trim yours down to a manageable level.
  • Swoop into  a jam-packed attic, basement or garage and make some sense and order out of the place.
  • Help out in life-changing situations like a downsized home, a big move or a merging of households, Divorce and other life transitions. 

it's important to express your needs as clearly as you can to your organizer. Their job is to create a plan to get your organizational situation on track. They need to listen to your challenges, how you work and what is working and not working for you. The real life world does not revolve around Martha Stewart types that have staff to keep things organized 24/7. We live in a real world with real busy lives and sometimes need assistance to help us get back on track!  Sometimes we need help every month, what ever it is, Organization helps us in so many ways. 

Organizers are different from housecleaners -- people who come into your home, tidy things up and leave. Instead, professional organizers offer visits and consultations to help you solve the immediate concerns and develop long-term strategies for moving forward. Most professional organizers prefer in-home (or in-office) consultations, although virtual visits may be an option if you live in a remote area.

Give yourself a break and hire in  a professional Organizer. It may just be what your looking for to restore the calm and order back in your life. 

We, at Calm Order take your life and organizing seriously. That is why we offer the Concierge errand service that compliments your busy life.  We will run your errands and organize your home. Does it get any better than that? 



Dinner at Home Tonight Made Easy!

Calm Order Concierge - Dinner made simple at home tonight! 

How to Survive the Time Crunch. 5 Ways to Get You Started.

Life today is accelerating at a rapid pace. We often ask how do we manage to get all the things done we need to do in a day? Where do we find the time?

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Today more than ever there are more opportunities and choices. In the chaos of the fast pace and unlimited possibilities the organized individual and business will survive where the cluttered, overwhelmed will begin to diminish.

There is so much that goes hand in hand with your physical space and your emotional well-being. Creating calm out of chaos and finding the time to create it can be extremely challenging.

Here is a list of 5 things to help you get started.

1.    Follow blogs and read articles that offer great Organizing advice and tips.
2.    Make a list - Start by defining headings such as 1. Environment (living room, bedroom) 2. Feelings (cluttered, chaotic, clear, peaceful) 3. Likes and dislikes. Fill in each room or environment followed by the feeling and like and dislikes associated with that space.
3.    Pay attention to your own space. Make a list of what works and what does not work for you.
4.    Watch and learn from your friends. What do you love about their space? How does it feel?
5.    Be Present - Stop and Pay attention to the feelings you get in different environments. You need to be present to be able to feel what you like. Add these things to your list.
6.    One of the best things to do is to ask for help.  Ask a friend who is great at creating  soul loving spaces. They will often have tips and tricks to share with you over a great cup of coffee. Maybe you did not even know it, but your best friend hires a concierge or shopping service to help them stay ahead of the busy life demands. This allows them to enhance their lifestyle to find the time to meet with you.

With today’s busy lifestyles you can no longer afford to be disorganized. Sometimes a lifestyle helper that can get you on track. Professional Organizing and Concierge services are a survival tool to help you obtain peace of mind and a soul loving space.