
Areas to Organize Outside the Home


Now that it seems like the nicer weather is here to stay, why not take the time to get your outdoor areas organized? From your backyard to your garage, there is much to get in order so you can enjoy the warmer season ahead!


The garage can accumulate a lot of clutter. For many, the garage is a major source of storage and can quickly fill up with everything from outdoor gear to holiday decorations and extra household items. Take some time to go through any boxes, cabinets and shelves in your garage to take stock of what you have. Then, determine that items you actually use and need, and what items are old, damaged, or unused. Also consider whether or not some items might be best stored elsewhere in your home or shed where they are more often used.

When putting items back, be sure to group like items together. For example, keep all the sports equipment together and all the hardware tools together. To maximize available space and keep items orderly, use every available space and get creative. Consider using hooks or pegboards to keep tools neat and easy to access. Labelling items in shelves or containers can also make them easier to find and keep track of, especially for smaller items.



Whatever size of backyard you have, there are always a lot of “things” that can accumulate around the yard. Even though it’s an outdoor space, think of your backyard as another room in your home – a place with storage and order. 

Having a shed can be a great way to make sure items like toys and maintenance tools are put away.  You can also consider alternative options like bike racks and outdoor toy chests to prevent these items from cluttering the lawn when they’re not in use. Hoses, sprinklers and watering cans can also be safely stored away when you’re done using them by installing larger hooks or storage cabinets outside your shed or home.



The shed can be a perfect place to keep items commonly used in your backyard. This will save you the trip of going into your garage or into the house and can keep additional clutter from accumulating in these spaces. Items like gardening tools, outdoor toys, and lawn care equipment can easily be stored in a shed so they organized and easy to grab when needed. Install shelving units, hooks, or cupboards to store items if your shed allows. Many out-of-the-box solutions come with the option of adding adjustable shelving so you can make the space work for your needs. You’ll have a much easier time finding your gardening gloves if they’re hanging from a hook instead of rooting around in boxes or on the floor of the shed.

 Remember to put items away in their proper place when you’re done using them. Don’t just put them down wherever or leave them outside. Make putting items away a regular habit for you and any other family members. Not only will this keep the space organized, but it will also make sure items are protected from getting lost or damaged.



This area of your backyard comes with its own set of clutter like furniture, accessories, barbecue equipment, decorations, and sometimes more toys. However, there are many different ways to incorporate storage solutions that won’t take up too much space or diminish the overall look of the space. Decorative outdoor shelves can be a great way to display plants and also keep them organized in one area. Look for outdoor furniture and ottomans that double as storage chests or drawers to keep cushions, pillows and towels when not in use.

Although it may be tempting to add decorative pieces to your patio, be careful not to crowd it with unnecessary clutter. A few key pieces are a great way to make a space more inviting, but keep in mind that the more you have, the more you have to buy, clean and store. Just like rooms inside your home, having too many items can take up valuable space on your patio and in your wallet. Instead, utilize the natural beauty of the great outdoors to enhance your space!

It’s almost that time: Get ready for back to school!


August is already half over, so that means that it’s time to get ready for a new school year to begin! The hardest part about the end of the summer is getting back into a routine for the fall – going to bed on time, getting up early, pre-making lunches and snacks, and doing homework. Even though there are still a couple more weeks of summer left, there are a few tricks to ease your family into the fall routine:

Make small changes

Transitioning from summer vacation to school routine can be hard to accomplish if the change is abrupt. Instead, consider making small changes in your family routine during the month of August. For example, get your family in the habit of waking up at a typical school time. Whether by waking them up in person or using an alarm, getting used to early mornings instead of sleeping in will definitely help when September comes around. However, since it is still summer, plan on doing a fun activity in the morning so waking up early isn’t a chore. You can make a fun breakfast together, go outside for a walk, or make a craft.

Bring back regular activities

Summer is about fun, so typical household activities are sometimes forgotten. Slowly reintroduce them into your family’s daily life. These activities, like setting the table, cleaning up dishes, and other chores, will help bring back the feeling of a regular routine, and help everyone get back into the mindset of fall. These activities don’t have to be reintroduced all at once – don’t be afraid to start slow and work towards bringing them into your regular routine once the date gets closer to September.

Stress the importance of sleep

Sleep is important to getting back into a routine – irregular bedtimes can change an individual’s sleeping habits and make it difficult to change. Start by setting bed time closer and closer to the regular school date. This doesn’t have to be done right away – it’s still summer after all, and many people may still have vacation plans! However, be cognizant of bed times, and start announcing when the family should be in bed. You can also start bringing back typical elements of your nighttime routine: start reading stories before bed, planning out an outfit for the next day, and having a bath or shower like you would during the school year.

Eat the right food

Food is also an important part of any routine. During the summer, meals and snacks tend to be more casual than during the year. By bringing back typical breakfast food, cutting back on the sugary snacks, and eating meals at regular times, you can help your family adjust to the end of summer vacation. You can also get a head start on lunch preparations by getting your family to help make lunches for the next day just as they would during the school year.

Create excitement about school

Make school exciting! Get your family involved in back to school shopping, especially when you’re purchasing items that are interesting to them, like sports equipment, colouring utensils, and clothing. Children can also help organize school supplies and packing backpacks – while they may not be as inclined to participate, you can break up the organizing by only doing a small amount each day. This will help your children get into the mindset of school without completely overwhelming them or taking too much time away from their last couple weeks of summer.

School does not have to be daunting – the rest of the summer can still be enjoyed while your family slowly becomes accustomed to living with a routine again!