Organization product trends for Spring 2017

Sometimes you need a little help to make your space organized. Below, we have listed a few of the new product trends in home organization for Spring 2017. These products are all about maximizing your space and helping you eliminate clutter while also adding a touch of style to your home.

Repurposed furniture – with maximum storage!

Restoring old and vintage furniture has been a trend for the last couple of years, and it is still a popular activity for this spring. However, not only does this repurposed furniture serve as a decorative addition to your home, it can also be repurposed to add more storage to your living space as well. DIY Inspired has great examples of projects people have taken on in restoring old furniture, including repurposing an old outdoor bench to include storage area inside of the bench, and old Coke crates that were put together to make a small coffee table that is perfect for storing items on. However, it’s important to remember that just because you can create more space, doesn’t mean you need more items to fill those spaces. Maximizing storage is about finding space for the items you already have and need.

Garage wall storage

The garage can be a great option to store a variety of items, from outdoor equipment, hardware tools, luggage, shoes, Christmas decorations, and more. However, between all of these items, larger equipment, and vehicles, space can be limited. Slat walls allow you to utilize the wall space around your vehicles to store a variety of objects in different ways, either with hooks, adjustable shelves, and more. Calm Order has previously worked on a garage organization job that used slat walls to organize the homeowner’s sports and hardware equipment. Take a look at the results below!

Calm Order helped a previous client organize their garage by using slat walls to store sporting equipment and hardware tools.

Calm Order helped a previous client organize their garage by using slat walls to store sporting equipment and hardware tools.


Adjustable shelving

For pantries, closets, and even garages, adjustable shelving is the perfect solution to changing inventory in your home. Especially for pantries, different food items may need different space allowances, and with adjustable shelves, you can regularly make changes to how your food is organized depending on the items you currently have. Proper organization in your pantry allows you to have easy access to the food items and supplies you need, and helps you keep track of clutter. Adjustable shelving is perfect for smaller spaces, or for people in temporary living conditions as they are easy to take out and move around.