Make school lunch and snack prep as easy as possible!


The first week of school is almost here, and in addition to getting backpacks, school supplies, and outfits put together, it’s time to start planning lunches and snacks. This year, get your children involved in putting their lunches and snacks together and make the process fun and organized with these helpful tips: 


Pre-make portions  

Vegetables, fruit, cheese, meat, crackers and pretzels make great additions to a school lunch or morning snack. They can also easily be put together in advance or the day of. Cut up and pre-wash a couple of varieties from each food group – before you stock up on groceries for the week, talk to your family and find out what food they want to take for their lunch or snack.  

Pre-wash and cut up the food before the school week begins. You can either store the food in large containers for your children to take from each day, or you can get your children to help you create pre-portion containers they can easily grab-and-go in the morning. The key to this tip is variety. No child wants to bring the same food every day for lunch, so make sure there are a couple of different options they can choose from. 


Use what you have

School lunch doesn’t have to be fancy or complicated – in this case, simple is always better. Use up the items you have around the house that are already prepared. For example, heat up leftovers and bring it to school in a thermos, or create an entirely new dish. Leftover meat can be used to make a salad, wrap or sandwich. Leftover vegetables can be added together to make a quick stir-fry or fajita filling. 

Vegetables and fruit don’t have to be cooked or prepared in a special way either – if you do want to add a fun element, get your children to pack a dip like hummus, ranch dressing or yogurt.  


Freeze food for busy times

It’s always a good idea to have a few back-up options, especially during busy weeks. Stock up your freezer with frozen food that can be left in the fridge over night to thaw or re-heated the morning of. For example, if you have leftover soup or chili, freeze some in individually-portioned containers. Leftover pizza can also be frozen and heated up for lunch. Muffins can be added as a snack or a lunch side, and taste just as good if frozen.  

If you have time before the start of the new school year, consider putting together some “emergency” meal options, and regularly check your deep freeze to make sure your stock is replenished.  


Make lunch prep a routine

The best way to make sure lunches are ready and organized is to make it part of your family’s weekly routine. One option is to set aside time before the school week (like Sunday evening) to prepare everything you and your family will need for the coming week, like cutting up fruit and vegetables, portioning meals, and determining snacks. This way, everything can stay in the fridge or an easily-accessible shelf in your pantry so everyone can take what they need each day.  

However, it can be hard to always find enough time every week to do this. If you’re having a busy week, or your schedule is too tight, another option could be to just take some time to plan out lunch options. You don’t have to necessarily put everything together, but go over what food you have available, what potential leftovers you will have from meals, and work with your family to create options for them to have during the week. This will allow everyone to have a good idea of what food they are going to need to take and on what day. Creating a plan will also ensure everyone can find a time that works to make their lunch, whether it’s after school one day or the morning before another day, depending on their schedules. 

It’s almost that time: Get ready for back to school!


August is already half over, so that means that it’s time to get ready for a new school year to begin! The hardest part about the end of the summer is getting back into a routine for the fall – going to bed on time, getting up early, pre-making lunches and snacks, and doing homework. Even though there are still a couple more weeks of summer left, there are a few tricks to ease your family into the fall routine:

Make small changes

Transitioning from summer vacation to school routine can be hard to accomplish if the change is abrupt. Instead, consider making small changes in your family routine during the month of August. For example, get your family in the habit of waking up at a typical school time. Whether by waking them up in person or using an alarm, getting used to early mornings instead of sleeping in will definitely help when September comes around. However, since it is still summer, plan on doing a fun activity in the morning so waking up early isn’t a chore. You can make a fun breakfast together, go outside for a walk, or make a craft.

Bring back regular activities

Summer is about fun, so typical household activities are sometimes forgotten. Slowly reintroduce them into your family’s daily life. These activities, like setting the table, cleaning up dishes, and other chores, will help bring back the feeling of a regular routine, and help everyone get back into the mindset of fall. These activities don’t have to be reintroduced all at once – don’t be afraid to start slow and work towards bringing them into your regular routine once the date gets closer to September.

Stress the importance of sleep

Sleep is important to getting back into a routine – irregular bedtimes can change an individual’s sleeping habits and make it difficult to change. Start by setting bed time closer and closer to the regular school date. This doesn’t have to be done right away – it’s still summer after all, and many people may still have vacation plans! However, be cognizant of bed times, and start announcing when the family should be in bed. You can also start bringing back typical elements of your nighttime routine: start reading stories before bed, planning out an outfit for the next day, and having a bath or shower like you would during the school year.

Eat the right food

Food is also an important part of any routine. During the summer, meals and snacks tend to be more casual than during the year. By bringing back typical breakfast food, cutting back on the sugary snacks, and eating meals at regular times, you can help your family adjust to the end of summer vacation. You can also get a head start on lunch preparations by getting your family to help make lunches for the next day just as they would during the school year.

Create excitement about school

Make school exciting! Get your family involved in back to school shopping, especially when you’re purchasing items that are interesting to them, like sports equipment, colouring utensils, and clothing. Children can also help organize school supplies and packing backpacks – while they may not be as inclined to participate, you can break up the organizing by only doing a small amount each day. This will help your children get into the mindset of school without completely overwhelming them or taking too much time away from their last couple weeks of summer.

School does not have to be daunting – the rest of the summer can still be enjoyed while your family slowly becomes accustomed to living with a routine again!

Are you ready for your summer vacation?


Summer is here, and that means many Calgarians are getting ready to head out on their summer vacations. Any summer trip, whether it is a quick weekend getaway or month abroad, requires a lot of planning. Below, we’ve outlined some of the steps you will need to complete to ensure you have everything you need before you leave! 


Make lists

Lists can help you keep track of every stage of your trip. To prevent you from getting confused, make sure that you separate your lists by subject. For example, keep one list for just the items you need to pack and another for what you need to do before you leave.

When you’re putting together a “to do” list, or a list of items to pack, make sure that you keep them in a place that is easy to find. You don’t want to lose it before you even start! Consider using a task tracking app like Trello or Awesome Note. You can also create a list on a white board and hang it in your office, kitchen or bedroom. This way, anyone can easily add or check off your items and tasks as you complete them.


Pack smart

One of the most essential parts of an organized trip is packing smart. Before you start pulling out your items, make sure you consider what the weather is predicted to be like at your destination, what activities you will be doing, and how you will be travelling. Do you need to consider baggage restrictions on a flight, or have limited room in your vehicle? From here, you can put together your packing list, and use it to make sure that all of your items are accounted for.

When your packing items, consider using packing cubes or storage compartments to keep your items organized, compact, and easy to find. Packing cubes are smaller, rectangular fabric containers that can fit a variety of items. For example, you can use one to store all of your shirts so they are neatly folded and easy to find. Storage containers and bags with smaller compartments and pockets can also help you keep like items with like, and help you fit more items in your bag.


Create an itinerary

Your summer vacation is supposed to be fun and relaxing, so make sure you know where you need to be and when! Make sure to record important times for travelling, tours, excursions and meet-ups for your vacation before you leave. You can use the calendar in your phone or an agenda to keep track of addresses and times. Apps like Google Trips and TripCase can store all of your important travel information, as well as any documents you may need like tickets and reservation confirmations.

If you are travelling with other people, make sure they have access to a copy of the trip itinerary, so everyone is on the same page. Apps (like the ones listed above) and phone calendars having sharing functions that allow you to share your itinerary and information with travel mates. 


Prepare your home

Even though you are leaving home behind, it’s important to make sure that everything is prepared for when you leave. Make arrangements to have a neighbour, friend or family member check on your house periodically over your vacation. A list of what to check for, as well as any keys or passcodes needed should also be gathered and provided for whoever is watching your home. Any outdoor items like toys and patio furniture should be properly stored. It is a good idea to give the inside of your house a quick clean, so everything is in place for your return.

Any arrangements for pick-ups from airports, train stations or bus stops should also be made beforehand. Let a family member or friend know about your travel plans and provide contact information in case of an emergency.


Before you get away for rest and relaxation, make sure you are ready for your trip by making lists, packing smart, creating an itinerary, and preparing your home. By completing these tasks ahead of time, you can enjoy a stress-free vacation this summer!