Calm Order Professional Home Organizing

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Phase 1: Getting ready for the big move

On average, it can take a minimum of four weeks to complete a seamless move – in that time, there is a lot of planning, research, shopping, packing, and organizing involved. Wherever a client is moving from or moving to, there are a lot of steps involved to make sure the process is successful and efficient.

Calm Order was recently contacted by a client in another city who is preparing to move to Calgary. When a client doesn’t live in Calgary, we need to get creative in order to understand the scope of the project because we can’t just go over to the property to look around. For this project, we connected with the client over FaceTime, and got them to show us around their home. We had the client show us every place in their home, from kitchen cupboards to closets and drawers, so we could get a complete picture of what their space was like, how they were using it, and what items and belongings we had to work with.

 During the “walk-through” over video call, we could see that there were a lot of items stored around the house, and not necessarily in an organized or practical way. For example, there were light bulbs stored in four different places around the home, piles of paperwork and mail left out on the kitchen counter, and miscellaneous items scattered throughout each room of the house. At this point, we were able to step forward to the planning process, so we could devise a way to create order for their upcoming move and new home.

 Moving is as much about the planning as it is about the actual move – at this point all we had done was seen their current home, but this was an important step so we could begin the process of getting their belongings sorted, organized, and ready to move to a new city and a new home. The process of going through your belongings and seeing how you use your space is important to understand before you move them into a new space.

How was your experience in preparing for a move? Share your stories and photos with us in the comments or on our Facebook page.