Saving Money in 2024! Every Penny counts

High cost of living, groceries and everything else is problematic in 2024. Inflation, housing costs, taxes! UGH! People are feeling the pinch.

Saving money can be a challenge, however, there are many ways you can cut costs and save money on a daily basis. Here are some tips to help you save money:

1. Start by saying you are not buying anything new. Focus on using what you have! Look for substitutions,

• If you have cosmetics and face cream you don’t like, put it on your legs. Use it up.

• All that extra shampoo you don’t like under the sink - use it for washing your delicates.

• If you ran out of your favorite cleaner can you substitute vinegar and water

• Use the food that you have in your pantry and get creative with your recipes. Remember foods have a shelf life. Time to use things up.

• Evaluate what you have in your freezer, Start eating what you have.

Doing all these things helps you declutter and reduce. Once you have gone through most of the frozen foods and pantry, it’s a time shop the sales to restock.

2. Make a budget and stick to it. Knowing exactly how much money you have and where it's going can help you make smart financial decisions.

3. Cut down on unnecessary expenses. Take a look at your budget and see if there are any areas where you can cut back. For example, if you're spending a lot on dining out, try cooking more meals at home.

4. Cut out and evaluate subscription services. Keep only what you really need. Cut down on entertainment costs. Instead of going out to the movies or paying for expensive subscriptions, consider using free streaming services.

5. When you absolutely need something, shop around for the best prices. Don't just settle for the first price you see. Take the time to shop around and compare prices to make sure you're getting the best deal. Look for coupons and discounts when shopping to save money on everyday items.

6. Reduce your bills. Look for ways to lower your monthly bills, such as by negotiating with your cable company or switching to a lower-cost cell phone plan.

7. Use cash instead of credit. Using cash can help you stick to your budget and avoid overspending.

8. Save on groceries by meal planning and buying around the sales. Planning your meals in advance can help you save money on groceries, Have you ever tried the FLIPP app? It is an amazing way to see the sales and shop sales.

9. Cut out the daily coffee drive through. Get up 5 minutes earlier to brew your own,

Saving money takes effort and discipline, but it's worth it in the long run. By making smart financial decisions and cutting costs where you can, you can build up your savings and achieve your financial goals.