Calm Order Professional Home Organizing

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Take Care of Yourself

During this difficult time, it’s more important than ever to take care of ourselves. With everything going on, it can be overwhelming just checking the news or going to get groceries. Taking time for yourself to stay connected and looking after your well-being is an essential activity that doesn’t have to take up too much of your time but can make all the difference.


Focus on Connection

With most people working from home and practicing social distancing, now is the best time to stay connected in whatever way you can. Whether it is setting up phone calls and video calls with friends and family, taking the time to connect with others is an important step to overcome isolation and improve mental well-being. Even if it’s sending a text to a co-worker or making a quick call to a neighbour, any form of connection is good.


Manage Your Stress

In a time like this, taking steps to manage your stress is key. Try to stick to a routine and follow a regular schedule. If you’re working from home or homeschooling kids, set working hours but be sure to still take regular breaks to exercise, have a snack and just relax. If the weather is nice, consider going for a quick walk or just sitting on your balcony to enjoy the sunshine.

Stay Positive

Don’t be too hard on yourself if you have days when you’re feeling down or unmotivated. Many people are feeling anxious and stressed about the pandemic in addition to feeling isolated and overwhelmed with changes to work, school, shopping and other activities. While it may seem like there is nothing you can do, don’t hesitate to reach out to family and friends, or supports and resources in the community. Taking a break and engaging in a different activity to change your focus (like meditating, completing a game or puzzle, or taking a walk outside) can also make a difference.