Calm Order Professional Home Organizing

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Stay Connected With Family and Friends!

With social distancing measures in place, maintaining social connections is more important than ever. Just because people are not able to gather in person doesn’t mean we can’t spend time with family and friends!

Video calling, whether it’s Google Hangouts, WhatsApp, Skype, Zoom, FaceTime, or another system, is a great way to do more than just talk with loved ones over the phone. In the absence of being able to gather for meals, movie nights, or other activities, video calling can work as a good substitute. Consider gathering family and friends to take part in a virtual hang out with one of the activities below:


Sharing a Meal

Even though you can’t actually share a meal together, you can still talk to each other while you do! Consider taking this one step further and cooking the same foods – you can even turn it into the competition and send everyone a brand new recipe to test out!


Movie Night

Extensions like Netflix Party can make a virtual movie night easier to manage by making sure everyone’s movies pause and play at the same time. While you’re watching, considering using group texts or staying on a video call during the movie to stay connected. If you’re having a hard time finding something new to watch, consider going back and watching old favourites or popular movie marathons.


Trivia Challenge

Using a physical trivia game or one of the many apps available, designate a trivia “host” and have the rest of your group compete to win the challenge! You can even split up into teams to see who can guess the most correct answers and keep score. If you’re hosting weekly challenges, consider letting each person pick a different theme each week.

Games and Sing-a-Longs

Some board games may be hard to complete virtually, but there are many that can still work with family and friends like these ones. If some people don’t have access to a physical version of the game, try designating someone as the organizer to make sure everyone knows the rules and has access to any information they need. This can go beyond board games as well – you can take part in virtual sing-a-longs, talent competitions, and more!