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Remarkable Calgary \ Stories after the Flood

Today I was out at the Grandview condo complex. Grandview at 228 26th Avenue SW is a 56 unit 16 storey building. 

I had the fantastic opportunity to meet some great volunterrs and fabulous residences of the building. We went deep in the parkade structure to empty flooded storage lockers for owners.   

One of the owners that I had the pleasure to speak with was in the front yard sorting rare and genuine silver pieces all worth a small fortune. Handling things in stride, it was one item at a time, pulling the treasures and getting them ready for restoration.

We spoke a little about about her treasures. They were amazing historical silver pieces with great stories.

I was so impressed by her resilience and the we will get it done attitude. Forging ahead, salvaging what  you can and moving forward.

The other component of the conversation that I found to be amazing was the emergency preparedness plan the building has with its owners. I was shocked to learn that the management company ensured that each and every car was successfully removed from the parkaid, each and every freezer in each unit was emptied and food donated where it could be BEFORE the flood. This resident informed me that they started working on this the wednesday before the flood hit.

This leads me to ask the question of how many of us really have a emergency plan for our homes and businesses? Do we have the grab and go emergency documents file folder box when we are told to get out NOW ? Are we prepared with what happens when our wallets get stolen? Do you know what was in your wallet to begin with?

There are a few basic tools you need to put together your emergency kits. The Grandview had their emergency plan in place. They learned after the flood of 2005 it was time to have a plan in place. They did and they succeeded.

If your interested in creating an emergency plan kit and dont know where to start give us a call and we can assist you making your plan.  Having a plan is never to late.

Thank you to the Grandview residence I met who shared a glimpse of your lives and shared your stories through your belongings.