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Looking Ahead

It may seem hard to plan for the future when so much remains uncertain right now but thinking about what goals and plans you want to achieve for the next year or two ahead is definitely possible. Thinking about what you want to accomplish can help you remain optimistic and keep you focused on moving forward. Making firm plans may not be possible while so much remains up in the air, but there is nothing stopping you from imagining what you want to do once it is safe to do so again.

Whether it is getting together with friends or travelling to a place you have never been to before or taking part in an experience you have always meant to do, there is no limit to what you can start dreaming and imagining about. And while you have time, why not do what research and planning you can now? Consider looking online or reading about what it is you want to do or finding programs on television that can get you to start thinking and imagining what might be possible hopefully not too long into the future.

If there has been anything that you have always wanted to do but never had the time to do it before, start thinking about what you could do to make it a reality. While it may be some time yet before travel and some experiences are possible, there are things you can do now like reviewing travel vouchers you may have accumulated from cancelled trips or getting in shape through at-home exercises to do a marathon you’ve always wanted to do.

This doesn’t have to be something you do alone either. Challenge friends or family members to take these steps towards future goals and dreams along with you. Over your next video chat or group call don’t be afraid to talk about activities you are most looking forward to doing again and what can be done now. Have you and a friend always wanted to take a cooking class? While you wait to take one together in person, why not look for virtual classes you can take at the same time? Or, if you and girlfriends have always wanted to do a wine tour, why not take some time now to read up on the best places to visit, what you should do, and everything else you need to know beforehand?

Even though it may seem like the big goals and plans you had for the year ahead might not be possible, try to focus not on what you can’t do, but what you can do. It may be small tasks or activities like researching a country you’ve always meant to travel to or testing out recipes to one day serve to family and friends, these activities can keep you moving forward and looking ahead to what you have always wanted to do.