Calm Order Professional Home Organizing

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Get into the decluttering mindset

Decluttering is an important step to getting organized – and it’s also one of the hardest. Most often, it is difficult for people to part with the items they own because people are sentimentally attached to them, they think they may need them, or they simply no longer notice them. However, these items are taking up unnecessary space in homes and in lives. In order to be successful at decluttering, it is important to get in the right mind set. People need to open themselves to thinking about decluttering in a new way. Not necessarily as getting rid of personal items but creating the home and space that they want.

Think of getting organized as ‘what you think is what you create.’ In other words, the best way to start decluttering is to have a clear vision of what a home or space should look like, and then working towards achieving that vision. People should think about what they really want in their lives – is it an organized kitchen, a tidy bedroom, or a clean garage? Whatever the organization goal is, defining a clear vision and getting into a positive frame of mind can help people get motivated to act.

 Once a person can visualize their goal of an organized home or space, it is easier to go through the process of decluttering personal items and donating or discarding what is no longer needed or useful. If a person doesn’t feel motivated or can’t understand the impact of decluttering, the process will not be successful, and it will be even more difficult to achieve and sustain the organized space.  

For example, if the goal is to organize a bedroom closet, and the first step is to declutter clothing, shoes, and accessories, it is important to first is to think about what that space should look like – neat, organized, and not overflowing with clothes and other items. With a vision of what the space could look like, it is easy to find the motivation to go through the items in the closet and discard the items that are no longer used or worn. Having a vision brings people to the point of action and shows the potential a closet or any space in a home can have to be organized. Now, decluttering isn’t a chore but an important step to achieve a goal.


When it comes to decluttering, it is helpful for people to make sure they are in the right mind set. Often, this process can be difficult and disheartening – it is challenging to go through personal belongings, some which have been purchased individually but others which have been passed down from family or given as gifts. However, decluttering is an essential part of getting organized. By creating a vision for how an organized home or space can look, it is easier for an individual to get motivated to declutter. A more positive frame of mind can make all the difference when decluttering. It helps clear sentimental attachments or thoughts of “I might need this in the future” or “someone gave this to me, so I should hold onto it.” Get into the decluttering mind set and achieve your goal for an organized and clutter-free space!