Professional Organizing Consultations

• Simplify • Create Order • Relieve Stress • Improve your Life • Organize your Space


Our First introductory meeting | What You Can Expect

  1. We meet and find out if there is a good fit.  If it's not a good fit, we will refer you to another organizer. Feeling comfortable and at ease is very important to us as it is to you!

  2. What next? - We explore your environment with you, ask you questions, look at your concerns to understand your work flow and see your problem areas. We discuss your priorities and how we can attain your goals. 

  3. It is important not to cleanup or tidy before our introductory assessment. This allows us to really see stumbling blocks and challenges.  Problems can sometimes be the current system you have in place just doesn't work for you,  sometimes you have no system and just need a system. Sometimes it can just be something like life got busy and you are in need a little help to get you back on track. 

  4. We book a time to begin. We like to recommend a four hour day to begin with. Organizing can be emotional and physical. Multi day projects we like to book with time in between. We find our clients usually become inspired with the project they tend to run with it between visits! This saves you money!

  5. We review rates, cancellation policies, payment info and terms

Booking a Hands on session

We show up excited and ready to transform your space.  Working along side you, one or one,  in a team environment, or own our own.  Our hands on organizing sessions are always customized to your needs.

Often hands on organizing begins with assistance with the sorting process. Sometimes you have completed homework of purging and just need the organization systems put in place.

There are times where you need a major overhaul of storage systems, simple shelving to elaborate built in wall units. What ever the scenario, we work with what you have on hand, we’ll find the best containers and storage supplies for your space to augment or improve the process where necessary.

We’ll also provide resources for recycling, selling or donating items you no longer want or need and most important tips for easy maintenance of the solution.

Do-it-Yourself (DIY) Organizing - Ideas Only Sessions

Planning on doing the project yourself and need a little inspiration? We offer an in person ideas session!! We provide you with solutions, ideas and motivation for you to tackle the project on your own. Ideas only sessions provide you with insight, inspiration and the knowledge of how to proceed on your on.

Includes 2 hr consultation in your space, followed up with an optional written report with product suggestions, shopping suggestions and maintenance tips.

Follow up and inspiration - We welcome you to be in touch with us with any follow up questions you may have.

Regular maintenance appointments

Sometimes we fall behind with up keep from our busy lives. We are more than happy to schedule regular maintenance appointments if you find you just don’t have the time.

Virtual options


Organized Physical Spaces are a Sign of an Organized Mind [Tweet this!]