Calgary Professional Organizer

National Association of Professional Organizers.

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Code of Ethics 

NAPO  Code Of Ethics Standards we Follow and Practice

Code of Ethics is a set of principles to provide guidelines in our professional conduct with our clients, colleagues and community.

As a member of the National Association of Professional Organizers, I pledge to exercise judgment, self-restraint and conscience in my conduct in order to establish and maintain public confidence in the integrity of NAPO members and to preserve and encourage fair and equitable practices among all who are engaged in the profession of organizing.

Working Relationships

• I will serve my clients with integrity, competence, and objectivity; and will treat them with respect and courtesy.
• I will offer services in those areas in which I am qualified and will accurately represent those qualifications in both verbal and written communications.
• When unable or unqualified to fulfill requests for services, I will make every effort to recommend the services of other qualified organizers and/or other qualified professionals.
• I will advertise my services in an honest manner and will represent the organizing profession accurately.

 Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest:
• I will keep confidential all client information, both business and personal, including that which may be revealed by other organizers.
• I will use proprietary client information only with the client’s permission.
• I will keep client information confidential and not use it to benefit myself or my firm, or reveal this information to others.
• I will decide independently and communicate to my client in advance my fees and expenses, and will charge fees and expenses which I deem reasonable, legitimate, and commensurate with my experience, the service I deliver and the responsibility I accept.
• I will make recommendations for products and services with my client’s best interest in mind.

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Our Organizing Training

Karen has completed and been trained in the following programs and courses:

Safety in the Organizing Environment

Awareness of many safety issues a professional organizer may encounter on the job. Personal and environmental safety issues are addressed. Methods of avoiding, eliminating or mitigating the risks are discussed for hazard prevention in client homes and the work place.

Residential Organizing

Specific challenges of space, paper and time management in the home. The class also covers ways that organizers facilitate decision-making for their clients as well as recognizing backsliding and successful methods of addressing issues with clients.

Downsizing with Senior Clients

This course, designed in collaboration with the National Association of Senior Move Managers (NASMM), teach professional organizers (POs) how to prepare for and execute a successful downsizing project for senior clients. Gaining valuable insight into the unique physical, mental, and emotional challenges of working with seniors.  

Business Organizing

Organizing principles that apply to a business setting, including home office, corporations, commercial enterprise and other business settings. Work flow, systems and strategies for effective organization.

Starting an Organizing Business

A blue print for your business. strategies and skills for professional organizers

Professional Organizing

The class covers ways that organizers facilitate decision-making for their clients as well as recognizing backsliding and successful methods of addressing issues with clients.

Needs Assessments

Systematic review of client's current organizational situation and discussion of desired results. New and veteran organizers will learn the importance of conducting this assessment as a critical first step in successful client/organizer relationships. Additionally, discussion on different types of assessment methods.

Residential Information Management

Establish appropriate methods for handling incoming information, including mail, school papers, and electronic information. Study in techniques to help clients overcome their paper piles, lack of a family communication center, and mishandled storage solutions for action, reference papers and memorabilia. Methods for working with clients on the conundrums associated with e-mail, electronic documents and the influx of data from the internet. An overview of "cloud" solutions.

Time Management from the Inside Out

Essential skills for maintaining any organizing system and a critical component of creating a meaningful and fulfilling life. Emphasizing the insight to recognize and address time management issues that arise during client work. Providing practical solutions based on an individual's unique personality, needs and goals.